Koshary-Egyptian Staple

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Koshary-Egyptian Staple

Post by Readymom »

Koshary-very tasty, protein-and-carb Dish

(NOTE: I pulled this photo off the net, to get an idea of what this dish looks like)-rm



Kasheri – a Survival/Outdoor meal, par excellance

I’m not Egyptian. I have never visited Egypt. My first exposure to this dish was watching Anthony Bourdain’s “No Reservations” on Travel Channel. It fascinated me. It could not POSSIBLY be that good. It is. I researched it a bit, made it, and it’s delicious, very easy and very cheap. Easily made from storable food, too.

Kasheri is, apparently, the #1 street-food/utility dish in much of Egypt. It is a very tasty, protein-and-carb “gut-bomb” that keeps poor working folks full and going all day, and has for centuries (if not millennia). The gent who was Tony’s guide stated “I would never marry a woman who could not make good kasheri.”

It is not as quick and easy as an MRE or a blue box of mac’n'cheese, by any means, but it is not hard, either, and tastes MUCH better. The ingredient that ... ---CONTINUED at LINK, above ---
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