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Post by Readymom »

Preparing for the Coming Influenza Pandemic
by Dr. Grattan Woodson, MD, Decatur GA, edited by David Jodrey, PhD.
(free pdf, 24 pp, 530 KB. Dec 20, 2005 )

Fever, body aches, chills, sore throat, and headache:

Page 19:

Fever, body aches, chills, sore throat, and headache: Ibuprofen and/or acetaminophen are used to lower fever and help the patient feel better. The above symptoms respond well to these drugs. Use these products for the flu according to my instructions, not the bottle label. Don't under dose the patient. Many people take doses that are ineffective for fear of taking too much. Remember that acetaminophen can be used at the same time and in full doses as ibuprofen because they are in different drug classes and have different drug side effects. Combination treatment with both has an additive effect of benefit without increasing risk. The dose of ibuprofen I recommend you use is 2 to 4 tablets (400mg to 800mg) every four hours.[14] For acetaminophen, the dose is two 500mg tablets 4 times daily. Do not exceed these doses for either drug. This is the maximum for both. There is a risk of causing Reyes Syndrome is children and teens with fever are given aspirin or aspirin like drugs including ibuprofen.[15]

A very high fever (> 104 F) can cause seizures and brain damage and must be avoided. Using tepid water sponge baths works well for a high fever. Do not use alcohol sponge baths instead of water. Alcohol can be absorbed through the skin, especially in children, resulting in toxic effects. Ibuprofen and acetaminophen are very good at lowering temperature. Studies show that the body's natural defenses are better able to fight infection with some fever (say up to 101 F), so maybe we shouldn't try to completely suppress the temperature to normal (98.5 F).
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