Assorted Videos: WGAL News, Lancaster PA

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Assorted Videos: WGAL News, Lancaster PA

Post by Readymom »

Prospects For a Pandemic
Pandemics are fortunately so rare that it's hard to grasp just how much they could affect our daily lives. A team of our reporters, Traci Mitchell Laurie Kinney and Sally Kidd have set out to do just that: define, in the reports below, the many levels at which an avian flu outbreak could intersect with with the things we do everyday.

Bird Flu 1: Threat
Why is the threat of the avian flu getting so much attention? Traci Mitchell explains.

Bird Flu 2: Variations
There are many different types of avian flu. But as Sally Kidd explains, one strain should have our attention.

Bird Flu 3: Safety
Reporter Laurie Kinney explains how the U.S. government is protecting the poultry supply from the avian flu.

Bird Flu 4: Alaska
Sally Kidd explains why Alaska is the front line in the government's fight against bird flu.

Bird Flu 5: Sampling
A remote outpost in Alaska traps birds to test for avian flu. Reporter Sally Kidd takes us there.

Bird Flu 6: Labwork
Scientists in Alaska try to detect if migratory birds are carrying the avian flu. Sally Kidd reports.

Bird Flu 7: Mutation
What has to change for a strain of bird flu to mutate into something horrific? Laurie Kinney looks for answers.

Bird Flu 8: Pandemic
In 1918, a different bird flu virus mutated, and killed millions. Did we learn anything from that pandemic? Traci Mitchell reports.

Bird Flu 9: Quarantine
If a deadly bird flu virus breaks out, can the U.S. effectively quarantine communities to contain it? Laure Kinney examines the issue. (NOTE: We have found there is a problem with this link, and it is the same video as above ... we have notified WGAL news of this problem! -Admin)

Bird Flu 10: Overwhelmed
If a bird flu pandemic hits, some fear the nation's hospitals will be overwhelmed and may not be able to keep up. Traci Mitchell explains.

Bird Flu 11: Response
How will hospitals respond if a pandemic breaks out? Traci Mitchell investigates.

Bird Flu 12: Immunizations
Are there enough bird flu shots to go around? Sally Kidd reports.

Bird Flu 13: Schools
Are the nation's schools prepared for a pandemic? Laurie Kinney investigates.

Bird Flu 14: NOT LISTED

Bird Flu 15: Commerce
Will a pandemic cripple the U.S. workforce and commerce? Sally Kidd has that story.
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