Re: Mold and Mold Solutions

A clean home is a happy home. Can't get to a store? Need a cleaning product? Try some of these homemade versions.
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Re: Mold and Mold Solutions

Post by Readymom »

Remove Mold & Mildew NATURALLY With Tea Tree Oil


Remove Mold & Mildew NATURALLY With Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is well known for its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, but it is mainly used for natural health and beauty purposes; however, tea tree oil is also great for cleaning and it is very effective at removing mold and mildew. It also prohibits their return for a good while afterwards.

Many folks will simply say – just use bleach… Well firstly bleach is nasty and you don’t really want to be splashing it around your walls and ceilings. Secondly, tea tree oil is actually much, much better at preventing mold from reappearing. Bleach removes mold, but it soon returns.
How to remove mold and mildew with tea tree oil

First things first .... ---CONTINUED at LINK, above ---
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Re: Mold and Mold Solutions

Post by Readymom »

Treating Household Mold and Mildew Naturally


Tips for Treating Household Mold and Mildew Naturally

There’s no denying that household mold and mildew can be dangerous to our health. In fact, it has been proven to promote asthma, allergies, and colds. Likewise, it is thought to increase the occurrence of mood swings and depression.

Generally speaking, prevention is the best way to eradicate the problem; however, that seems to be the issue with mold — we often don’t know it forming until it rears it’s nasty head.

Staying alert to the appearance of mold and treating it quickly is the only way to win!

Unfortunately, many of commercially-prepared products in the stores — created to solve the problem — can also cause the same problems they intend to fix. So the question becomes…how can we do this without the use of harsh chemicals?

Start with the Basics

Here are a few things you must do to start treating the mold problem: ---CONTINUED at LINK, above ---
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