DIY Flavored Syrups

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DIY Flavored Syrups

Post by Readymom »

DIY Flavored Syrups


DIY Flavored Syrups

Image -SNIP- I have always preferred drinks with added flavor rather than just plain coffee, milk and sweetener. Making your own flavored syrups could not be easier. I have included vanilla, raspberry, coconut and caramel syrups. These are the four flavors I make most often, but the same idea can be adapted to make practically any type you can think of.

All are riffs on simple syrup which is made by combining equal parts sugar and water and heating until the sugar dissolves. They are ideal drink sweeteners because the sugar is dissolved, giving them a smooth texture rather than the grainy texture that comes when you add straight sugar. You can use them for more than just coffee of course – try adding them to ...... ---CONTINUED at LINK, above ---
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