Home-Made Pet Food

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Home-Made Pet Food

Post by Readymom »

Canning Dog Food


An Experiment in Canning Dog Food

Image When I buy a whole chicken to use in making chicken salad or chicken and dumplings, I have, in the past, simply thrown out the little "bag" of "innards"... we don't eat necks, gizzards, hearts and livers. I got to thinking about this waste, and seeing as we have a new canine member of the family (our 7 year old rescue German Shepherd, Smokey), I started reading up on the nutritional needs of the dog... it seems most (if not all) commercial dog foods contain a LOT more filler ingredients than is really healthy for dogs.

Now, I'm NOT fanatic about this, our Smokey still eats his store-bought kibble and commercially canned dog food... but after my reading, I thought instead of throwing out chicken parts and the skin and bits I have left after cooking a chicken, I'd save it up and try my hand at a balanced, canned dog food of my own.

I learned from my research that a dog's digestive system is shorter than humans and has different needs... they don't need to eat just like we do. Here's the basic "formula" I came up with... --- CONTINUED at LINK, above ---
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Re: Home-Made Pet Food

Post by Readymom »


Homemade Dog Food is Healthy and Nutritious

Homemade dog food can be the most nutritious food you can feed your dog.

Thank you for stopping in and checking out my site. My goal is to help you feed your dog healthy, nutritious homemade dog food. The best dog food you make right in your kitchen. All the homemade dog food ingredients are readily available at your local grocery store. The homemade dog food recipes are easy to follow and simple to make. Most importantly your dog will thrive on these homemade dog food recipes and love the way they taste.

I believe dogs are designed to digest raw meat and bones the best. So I present raw homemade dog food recipes throughout this website as the best dog food for your dog. That said, I know many of you just can’t bring yourself to feed your dog a homemade dog food that contains raw meat. So I also present cooked homemade dog food recipes that are healthy and nutritious. I believe these homemade dog food recipes are still vastly superior to commercial kibble. Your dog will too! ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Home-Made Pet Food

Post by Readymom »


Survival Pet Food Storage: Cats & Dogs

Survival food storage for pets is an absolute necessity when preparing for a crisis or natural disaster. In my household, Rocco, our Australian Shepherd, is considered just as much a part of the family as anyone else. When we sat down to create our emergency preparedness plan, we knew that his health and safety was a huge priority. At the time, we were already buying an extra bag of food. However, we quickly realized, that wasn't enough to give peace of mind. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Home-Made Pet Food

Post by Readymom »


Pet Food Recipes


Sweet Potato Doggie Treats
Wild Bird Suet Cakes
Cheap And Healthy Dog Food
Make Your Own Kitty Litter
Almost Frosty Paws – Dog Ice Cream Recipe
Dog Food Recipe – Molly’s Food
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