Behind the Scenes

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Behind the Scenes

Post by Readymom »

First and foremost: 'Readymom' is 'just-a-mom' and I am doing this for the future of my children. I have given a great deal of thought into what I can do to help others learn about Avian and Pandemic Flu. (There IS a difference between the two!) After much thought and many prayers for guidance, this website was the answer I found.

I first started to follow H5N1 about Feb/March, of 2006. I can't even begin to remember how I first found out about Pandemic H5N1. But once I started, I couldn't stop. What I was reading was so extreme, so unbelievable. But I kept coming across publications from such reputable people, Like US Health & Human Services Secretary Michael Leavitt & CIDRAP Director Michael Osterholm, Dr. Robert Webster (St. Judes Hsptl. for Children) and Dr. Grattan Woodson.

I found discussion forums on the subject and found even more information. I found other people who had been following this virus much longer than I. Those discussion forums are where I found information on the history of the virus, it's progression and it's potential. I also found out ways to prepare for it's coming.

During the Summer of 2006, I learned that Michael Leavitt was personally going to each and every state to discuss this virus and advise each state what they should be doing to prepare it's citizens for the potential of it becoming a GLOBAL pandemic. After Secretary Leavitt's initial state meeting each state broke down into regions and held area Regional Pandemic Summit meeting. My state of Pennsylvania held six (6) of those regional meetings. I attended the PA Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Planning Summet held June, 2006, sponsored by the Pennsylvania Department of Health. To date, I have:

*Attended the PA Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Planning Summet, June 2006

*I met with and discussed a potential Avain Pandemic with my County's Office of Emergency Preparedness Director and staff. We have been in direct contact, ever since.

* Participated in a County-wide Flu Drill, in a Pennsylvania county, where over 3,000 seasonal flu vaccines were administered in 7 hours via a 'drive-through' system -November 2006

* Attended an Avian Flu Workshop which was sponsored through the Pennsylvania Department of Health, PennState/Harrisburg and the South Central Assembly for Effective Governance. - November, 2006

* Participated, by invitation, a meeting of our county's American Red Cross/United Way, regarding Pandemic Planning - November 2006.

* I am also currently enrolled in on-line classes with the University of Albany, NY., School of Public Health, participating in classes for Pandemic Preparedness & Community Response.

* Currently a member of the Pandemic Preparation Committee for my own home County, led by our County Office of Emergency Preparedness.

* Participate in a live CDC (Center for Disease Control) webcast ' Pandemic Influenza Planning: Local Government Assistance' - January 2007

* Sat in on live CDC Web press briefing: discussing the US pandemic influenza preparedness efforts

*Februay '07- Completed Department of Homeland Security FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Association) Course: Incident Command System (ICS 100) on line, receiving Certificate of Achievement.

* March '07 - In the process of completing Department of Homeland Secuirty FEMA Course: National Incident Management System (IS700).

The information that you will find on this website is an accumulation of all the information that I (and now fellow Avian Flu/H5N1/Pandemic followers) have found in our search for more knowledge on this virus, what can be expected from it, and what we can do to prepare for it's potential arrival. The sources of information are as varied: discussion websites - governmental, medical, & educational sites - survival, homecare & preparation sites - newspapers, journals, magazines, tv & news -, to name a few.

It is the hope of the organizers of this site, that you feel you can read the information provided, knowing that it has been developed after a considerable amount of careful and reliable investigation.

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